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How To Get Clients As A Personal Trainer

Unlock the Secrets to Building a Successful Personal Training BusinessAre you a passionate personal trainer, looking to make a difference in people's lives, but struggling to attract clients? Fear not, you're not alone. In today's competitive market, it's vital for personal trainers to equip themselves with effective marketing techniques to stand out from the crowd. That's where My Health Assistant comes in, providing you with the perfect platform to market yourself and grow your client base.In this blog post, we will delve into the best practices for getting clients as a personal trainer, and how My Health Assistant can help you achieve your goals. Get ready to take your personal training business to the next level! Define Your NicheAs a personal trainer, it's crucial to identify and define your niche. By narrowing your focus, you'll be able to target specific clients and better meet their unique needs. Consider specialising in weight loss, muscle building, post-injury recovery, or even training for specific sports. By demonstrating expertise in a particular area, you'll attract clients who are seeking specialised knowledge and experience. Build a Strong Online PresenceIn the digital age, having a strong online presence is paramount for any business, and personal training is no exception. Start by creating an engaging, user-friendly website that showcases your services, qualifications, and success stories. Make sure your site is optimised for search engines, targeting keywords like "how to get clients as a personal trainer" and other relevant terms to help potential clients find you online. Leverage My Health AssistantMy Health Assistant is designed to give personal trainers like you a platform to market your services and connect with prospective clients. By joining My Health Assistant, you'll gain access to a vast network of potential clients who are already searching for personal trainers to help them achieve their fitness goals. With features like booking, progress tracking, and personalised meal plans, you'll be able to provide a comprehensive, professional service that sets you apart from your competitors. Offer Free Workshops or WebinarsHosting free workshops or webinars is an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise and attract new clients. By offering valuable, actionable advice, you'll build trust with potential clients and position yourself as an authority in your niche. Make sure to promote these events through your website, social media, and email marketing to maximise attendance. Utilise Social MediaSocial media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are powerful tools for personal trainers looking to grow their client base. Share valuable content like workout tips, healthy recipes, and motivational quotes to engage your audience and showcase your expertise. Don't forget to use popular fitness-related hashtags to increase your visibility and reach a wider audience. Develop a Referral ProgrammeWord-of-mouth referrals are incredibly powerful in the personal training industry. Encourage your existing clients to refer their friends, family, and colleagues by offering incentives like discounted sessions or even free classes. A strong referral programme can help you build a loyal client base and expand your network through positive recommendations. ConclusionAttracting clients as a personal trainer may seem like a daunting task, but with a strategic approach and the support of My Health Assistant, you can build a thriving business. By defining your niche, building a strong online presence, leveraging My Health Assistant, utilising social media, hosting free workshops or webinars, and developing a referral programme, you'll be well on your way to success. Remember, consistency and dedication are key in this highly competitive industry. Stay focused on providing exceptional service, and watch your personal training business flourish.

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How To Get Coaching Clients

As a professional coach, attracting new clients is essential for growing your business and making a difference in people's lives. But how do you stand out in a crowded market? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore effective strategies on how to get coaching clients and build a thriving practice. By the end of this article, you'll feel fully prepared and confident to take your coaching business to the next level. Define Your Niche and Ideal ClientThe first step in attracting clients is to define your coaching niche and ideal client. By specialising in a specific area, you'll become an expert in addressing the unique challenges and needs of your target market. Some popular niches include:Life coachingCareer coachingBusiness coachingHealth and wellness coachingRelationship coachingOnce you've defined your niche, create a detailed profile of your ideal client. This profile should include demographics, goals, challenges, and pain points. Knowing your target audience will help you tailor your messaging and attract clients who resonate with your services.Create a Powerful Personal BrandYour personal brand is the perception that people have of you and your coaching practice. To build a strong personal brand, focus on the following:Develop a clear and compelling value proposition that showcases your unique skills, expertise, and the benefits of working with you.Design a professional website with clear messaging, client testimonials, and a call to action (CTA) to book a free discovery session.Create a consistent visual identity, including a logo, colour scheme, and typography, to use across your website, social media, and marketing materials.Share your story to connect with potential clients emotionally and demonstrate your credibility. Leverage Content MarketingContent marketing is a powerful way to showcase your expertise, provide value to your audience, and attract clients. Create high-quality, valuable content that addresses the pain points and goals of your ideal client. Some content ideas include:Blog articles (optimise for the keyword "how to get coaching clients")Podcast episodesVideos or webinarsSocial media postsUse SEO best practices to ensure your content is discoverable by your target audience. Distribute your content across various platforms, including your website, social media, and email newsletter, to reach a larger audience. Network and Build RelationshipsBuilding a strong network is crucial for attracting coaching clients. Attend industry events, conferences, and local meetups to connect with potential clients, referral partners, and influencers in your niche. Join online communities and forums where your ideal clients are likely to hang out.When networking, focus on building genuine relationships rather than trying to sell your services. Offer value by sharing insights, answering questions, and providing support. As people get to know, like, and trust you, they'll be more likely to refer clients or hire you themselves. Offer Free Discovery SessionsOffering free discovery sessions is an effective way to showcase your coaching style, build rapport with potential clients, and demonstrate the value of your services. During these sessions, focus on understanding the client's needs, offering valuable insights, and explaining how your coaching can help them achieve their goals. Gather Testimonials and ReferralsSocial proof is a powerful motivator for potential clients. Collect testimonials from satisfied clients and display them prominently on your website, social media, and marketing materials. Additionally, ask satisfied clients for referrals and consider offering incentives, such as a discount on future sessions, to encourage them to spread the word. Invest in Paid AdvertisingOnce you've established a solid foundation, consider investing in paid advertising to reach a larger audience. Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn offer targeted advertising options that allow you to reach your ideal clients based on their demographics, interests, and behaviours. Start with a small budget and test different ad creatives, targeting options, and platforms to determine which strategies yield the best results. Engage with Social MediaSocial media platforms offer an excellent opportunity to connect with your target audience, showcase your expertise, and attract new clients. Choose one or two platforms that are popular with your ideal clients and focus on creating valuable, shareable content.Engage with your followers by responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in relevant groups or discussions. Consistency is key; establish a posting schedule to maintain a strong online presence and grow your audience over time. Collaborate with Complementary BusinessesPartnering with complementary businesses can help you reach new clients who are already seeking services related to your coaching niche. For example, if you're a career coach, you could collaborate with a resume writing service or a recruitment agency. Offer workshops, webinars, or co-branded content to provide value to their audience and showcase your expertise. Continue Learning and GrowingAs a professional coach, it's essential to stay updated with the latest trends, techniques, and tools in your niche. Invest in your personal and professional growth by attending conferences, enrolling in courses, or joining a coaching mastermind group. As you expand your knowledge and skills, you'll become even more valuable to your clients and attract more business. ConclusionAttracting coaching clients takes time, effort, and consistency. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you'll establish yourself as an expert in your niche, build strong relationships, and create a thriving coaching practice. Stay focused, commit to continuous improvement, and remember that your success as a coach lies in your ability to genuinely help others transform their lives. 

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How to Set Up a Counselling Business

The decision to start your own counselling business is an exciting and empowering one. It offers you the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others and carve out your niche in the mental health landscape. However, like any other business venture, the process of setting up a counselling practice can be daunting. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the essential steps of how to set up a counselling business, while also demonstrating how My Health Assistant can provide you with the platform to market your new venture. By the end of this blog post, you will be psychologically prepared and have the insights you need to launch and grow your business.Identify Your Target Market and Counselling NicheBefore you begin, it's essential to identify your target market and niche within the counselling field. This will help you tailor your services to meet the needs of your clients effectively. Consider the following factors when selecting your niche:Demographics: age, gender, location, and socioeconomic statusMental health issues: depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, relationships, etc.Specialty areas: marriage and family therapy, career counselling, substance abuse, etc.Develop a Business PlanA well-thought-out business plan will serve as a roadmap for your counselling practice, outlining your objectives, marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational requirements. Include the following elements in your plan:Executive summaryCompany descriptionMarket analysisOrganisation and management structureServices offeredMarketing and sales strategyFinancial projections and funding requirements Register Your Business and Obtain Necessary LicencesTo legally operate your counselling business, you must register it with the appropriate authorities and obtain the necessary licences and permits. This may include:Registering your business name and structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited company)Applying for a National Insurance number (for self-employed professionals)Registering for VAT if your annual turnover exceeds the £85,000 thresholdObtaining professional indemnity insurance to protect against potential lawsuitsChoose a Suitable Location and Set Up Your Office SpaceSelecting the right location for your counselling practice is crucial. Factors to consider include accessibility, visibility, and proximity to your target market. Once you've chosen a location, create a welcoming and comfortable office space that promotes a sense of safety and confidentiality for your clients. Establish Your Online Presence with My Health AssistantAn essential aspect of marketing your counselling business is establishing a robust online presence. My Health Assistant provides a user-friendly platform to help you do just that. By signing up for our services, you'll gain access to:A customisable website template tailored for mental health professionalsBlogging and content creation tools to showcase your expertiseAppointment scheduling and booking functionalityClient management features, including secure messaging and electronic health recordsOnline payment processing capabilities Implement Marketing StrategiesTo attract clients and grow your counselling business, you'll need to implement various marketing strategies. Some of the most effective methods include:Search engine optimisation (SEO): Optimise your website for Google search results to drive organic traffic to your site.Content marketing: Share valuable and informative content, such as blog posts, articles, and resources, to establish yourself as an expert in your field.Social media marketing: Engage with your audience on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to increase your visibility and reach.Network and Build Professional RelationshipsDeveloping a strong network of professional contacts can significantly contribute to the success of your counselling business. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops to build connections with other mental health professionals, service providers, and potential referral sources. Join relevant professional associations and online forums to stay informed about industry trends and developments, and don't hesitate to collaborate with other professionals to enhance your services.Maintain High Standards of Professionalism and EthicsAs a counsellor, it is crucial to adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics. Familiarise yourself with the guidelines and codes of conduct set forth by your professional association, and always act in the best interests of your clients. Ensuring confidentiality, respecting boundaries, and maintaining a non-judgmental attitude are essential aspects of providing quality care to your clients.Track Your Progress and Continuously ImproveOnce your counselling business is up and running, it's essential to monitor your progress and continuously seek ways to improve. Set measurable goals and review your performance regularly to identify areas where you may need to adjust your strategies. Keep up-to-date with industry best practices and developments in counselling techniques, and consider pursuing further education and training to enhance your skills. Leverage My Health Assistant to Support Your Business GrowthAs your counselling business grows, My Health Assistant will continue to provide you with valuable tools and resources to support your success. Our platform is designed to scale alongside your business, offering advanced features and integrations to streamline your operations, enhance client engagement, and help you reach new audiences. 

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New Beginnings: Is your confidence holding you back?

Spring is a time for new beginnings, rebirth, hope and reflection. As flowers bloom, lambs are born and the world is brighter, you may not feel an inner awakening. A lack of confidence may be holding you back. What are your hopes for the future?Making a list of the areas in your life you would like to change can help focus the mind and give you a purpose Counselling can help you to recognise and focus on specific issues which are causing you emotional distress, and stopping you from being the person you want to be. It can help you to live the life you want to live.Be brave. Be strong. You are your own driving force to make a positive change and experience your new beginnings. 

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What Is A Life Coach?

What is a Life Coach? A life coach is a professional who works with people looking to make progress with personal or professional goals. They can provide advice and support that helps you to overcome the obstacles and challenges that you feel are standing in your way, with a personalised approach designed to suit your unique needs.In essence, a life coach is there to help you attain greater fulfilment in life. Whether you’re in need of support in strengthening your relationships, progressing in your career, or managing problematic behaviours, they can deploy techniques to make the path towards personal development clearer. They aim to help you reach your goals in the most effective and efficient way. Their role is generally broad by nature, but some life coaches will specialise in certain areas. These specialisms can include business advice, stress management, and relationship building. Life coaches don’t have to be qualified or accredited to provide their services – relying instead on having the right skill-set and a wealth of experience.Life coaching is a growing sector. While there’s no firm data on just how many life coaches there are in the UK at present, an estimation from 2006 put the figure around 100,000. That’s a lot of coaches, which means there are a lot of people looking for coaching. So what exactly does a life coach do that means so many people are interested in their services? What does a life coach do? In a nutshell, a life coach is there to provide you with a fresh, external, unbiased perspective on problems that you’re facing. In practice, that typically involves:Building an understanding of your life situation, and what specific challenges you’re facingHelping to identify and establish goals that you want to move towards, whether they’re personal or professional Sharing their insights on your challenges, providing new perspectives that you might not have considered Dispensing actionable advice that helps you reach your goals, often breaking this advice into easy-to-follow stepsHelping you to make difficult decisions with the aim of bringing you closer to your goalsProviding ongoing emotional and practical support as you take steps forwardYou can think of a life coach as a catalyst for a better life. They act as a bridge between the situation you’re in now and the situation that you want to be in.  They typically offer their services in the format of a schedule of regular one-to-one sessions, carried out in-person or remotely. The first session will typically revolve around the life coach learning more about you and your goals, while subsequent sessions will be focused on talking through challenges and coming up with solutions. The potential benefits of working with a life coach depend on what challenges you’re looking to overcome or what goals you want to achieve, but they can include:Better work-life balance managementImproved communication and interpersonal skillsStronger, more productive, or better-balanced personal relationshipsQuicker professional or career developmentBetter prioritisation abilities Difference between a life coach and a therapist On the surface of things, it might seem like life coaches perform a similar role to therapists or counsellors. However, there are some key differences that separate them. The key differentiator is that therapists tend to focus on helping people deal with issues in their past, whether that’s facilitating emotional healing, addressing trauma, or dealing with the effects of mental health conditions. Life coaches, on the other hand, are more focused on helping people take steps into the future. They will typically spend less time on assessing or analysing past events, and more on building practical plans to achieve specific goals.Another way of looking at this distinction is that therapists are problem-focused, whereas life coaches are solution-focused. Therapists work to help people understand and process the problems they’re facing and where they come from. Life coaches work to help people implement solutions that take them forward in life.Another key difference between the two sets of professionals is that many types of therapists, including cognitive behavioural therapists and psychotherapists, are required by law to be qualified and licensed to practice. They also have to stick to established ethical codes of practice. Life coaches, on the contrary, are unregulated in the UK. That’s not to say there’s no overlap, though. Some life coaches will stray vaguely into the realm of a therapist, and vice versa, depending on the situation the person they’re working with is in.  Who uses life coaches? There are plenty of different reasons you may consider working with a life coach, ranging from personal to professional. They include:Feeling a general sense of dissatisfaction with lifeStruggling to take positive steps forward in your careerBeing overwhelmed with your responsibilities in lifeLack of fulfilment in your social or personal lifeFacing challenges in your personal or romantic relationshipsFinding it difficult to set or stick to goalsPeople from all walks of life make use of life coaching services, now more than ever. If you’re looking for a life coach that can help you to make sense of your goals and give you the support you need to reach them more easily, search for life coaches near you with My Health Assistant.

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Becoming A Self-Employed Carer

Becoming a Self-Employed Carer The decision to become a self-employed carer is a significant one that can lead to a rewarding and fulfilling career. This comprehensive guide aims to support you in your journey towards becoming a successful self-employed carer and demonstrate how My Health Assistant can provide the platform to effectively market yourself. By the end of this blog, you'll feel psychologically prepared and well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with this career choice.Here are the key steps to becoming a self employed carer:Understanding the Role and Responsibilities of a Self-Employed CarerEssential Skills and Qualities for SuccessLegal Requirements and RegistrationFinancial Planning and BudgetingBuilding Your Network and Finding ClientsMarketing Yourself EffectivelyKeep Your Training Up-To-DateThe Benefits of Using My Health AssistantPreparing for Challenges and Staying Resilient Understanding the Role and Responsibilities of a Self-Employed CarerAs a self-employed carer, you'll provide personalised care and support to clients with various needs, such as older adults, people with disabilities, or those recovering from illness or injury. Your responsibilities may include assisting with daily activities, personal care, administering medication, and providing companionship. Being self-employed means you'll also need to manage your own taxes, marketing, and business administration - we know that this can feel very daunting and a lot to handle at first, but we can help you manage this and find a method that works for you. Essential Skills, Qualifications and Qualities for SuccessTo succeed as a self-employed carer, you'll need a unique set of skills and personal qualities. These include:Excellent communication and interpersonal skillsEmpathy, compassion, and patienceStrong organisational and time-management abilitiesAdaptability and problem-solving skillsResilience and the ability to work independentlyThe basic qualification is accepted as the Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care, but if you provide a specialist service, you might also need to be trained in specific medical skills (administration or handling of medication for example). As you become more experienced, you might want to consider further training, as this will provide the opportunity for increased income in the future. Legal Requirements and RegistrationWhen starting your journey to becoming a self employed carer, it's crucial to adhere to legal requirements and registration processes.Registering as self-employed with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) - You will need to decide on a business name and register this with HMRC, so that you can pay income tax and National Insurance. Most self-employed carers register as a sole-trader, as opposed to a limited company. Read more about the differences between sole traders & limited companies.Obtaining a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate - previously known as a 'CRB check' you can apply for a DBS certificate at any time, but they do not have an official expiry date, as the information is only accurate at the time the check was carried out. If you'd like to keep your DBS up to date, you can register with the DBS Update Service. Ensuring you have appropriate insurance coverage - you’ll need public liability insurance to cover the work you do with the general public. Contact one of our partners if you would like some advice on the best level of cover for you and your new business.You may already be registered with a professional body or union, but if you decide you want to operate your business as a limited company, rather than working as a sole trader, then you'll also need to register as a service provider with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This process is quite lengthy and can take a number of weeks so be sure to account for that in your planning. CQC does not deem care services provided by a sole trader to be a regulated activity, so if you operated as a sole trader you would not need to register. Financial Planning and BudgetingFinancial planning and budgeting are critical for a successful self-employed carer business. Consider the following:Setting up a separate business bank accountCreating a budget for income and expensesSetting competitive rates while considering your experience and qualificationsKeeping detailed records of income and expenses for tax purposesIf you need any help or financial advice, visit our partners page to learn more. Building Your Network and Finding ClientsTo attract clients, invest in building your professional network by:Joining local carer support groups or online forumsAttending industry events and conferencesConnecting with local healthcare organisationsAsking for referrals from satisfied clientsSome local councils allow private self-employed carers to advertise their services for free on a dedicated list or website. Marketing Yourself EffectivelyEffective marketing is crucial for attracting clients and growing your business. Strategies include:Developing a professional website with detailed information about your servicesLeveraging social media platforms to showcase your expertiseDistributing business cards and flyers in your communityCollaborating with local businesses and healthcare providers such as GP surgeries or day centres.There are lots of free-to-use tools out there to easily create attractive marketing assets - Canva has lots of templates & ideas for social media posts, or you could design leaflets or business cards to have printed and hand out locally. Keep Your Training Up-To-DateLearning as you trade might make it easier to manage the financial aspect of undertaking the additional qualifications, but you’ll need to be disciplined to ensure you can dedicate enough time to your learning alongside your work. There are a limited number of Government-funded spaces on Health & Social Care courses that can be found on the Free Courses in England website, or you can apply for funding to help cover the cost of refresher training via Skills for Care.It is essential to keep up with mandatory training, but with so much conflicting information out there about how regularly your training should be updated, it can be hard to know which advice to follow. We recommend discussing this with your insurance provider and taking their guidance, so as not to find yourself in a situation whereby the insurance is invalidated due to your training being out of date.  The Benefits of Using My Health AssistantMy Health Assistant is a valuable resource for self-employed carers. By joining the platform, you can:Showcase your skills and qualifications to potential clientsGain access to a wider client baseReceive support for marketing and administration tasksConnect with other professionals in the industryWe’d love to help you set up as a private carer and will provide you as much personalised support as we can, from marketing & business admin, through to tax & insurance services. Just let us know your support needs and we will take care of you, so that you can focus on taking care of your patients!Preparing for Challenges and Staying ResilientAs a self-employed carer, you may face challenges such as isolating work conditions, fluctuating income, and managing stress. To stay resilient, consider the following tips:Establish a support network of fellow carers and professionals. Consider ‘buddying up’ with another local carer so that your clients can still receive care during holiday periods or illness.Set realistic expectations and establish boundaries with clientsInvest in income protection insurance & pension planning for the futurePractice self-care techniques to minimise the dangers of stress ConclusionBecoming a self-employed carer can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice that offers flexibility and autonomy. By understanding the role and responsibilities, developing essential skills, adhering to legal requirements, and investing in marketing and networking, you'll be well-positioned for success. My Health Assistant can help support your journey by providing a platform to showcase your talents and connect with clients. With the right mindset and tools in place, you'll be ready to tackle the challenges and reap the rewards of a successful self-employed carer career.

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Ageing and Physiological Change in Muscle

As people age the following physiological changes are observed in muscle;An increase in fat and connective tissueA decrease in protein synthesisA decrease in total muscle cross-sectional areaLoss of maximum isometric contraction forceDecreased endurance capacityIn relation to muscle fibres the faster-contracting type II fibres decrease at a greater rate than type I fibres, such that over time type I fibres greatly outnumber type II fibres       It is thought that these age-related changes occur due to: 1 Reduced blood flow to muscles due to decreased capillary density (making less O2 available to exercising muscles)2 A decrease in aerobic enzymes resulting in mitochondrial decay3 Increased mitochondrial DNA deletions and mutations Ageing and Change in Muscle Strength The age-related changes in muscle result in reduced muscle strength. This process begins at age 30 with a subsequent reduction in strength of 8% per decade. The rate of decrease is similar in men and women and affects muscle strength more in the legs than in the arms. By the age of 70, there is a 20 - 40% decrease in maximal isometric strength which impacts sustainable walking speed.  These graphs show the change in muscle area, strength and aerobic capacity with age  SarcopeniaSarcopenia can be defined as loss of skeletal muscle mass and function as a result of ageing Diagnosis of SarcopeniaThe European consensus for the diagnosis of sarcopenia requires documentation of criterion 1 and either criterion 2 or 3. Criterion 1 - low muscle mass Criterion 2 - low muscle strength Criterion 3 - low physical performance  

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Key nutrients to support teens with low mood

Teenagers are particularly prone to mood swings and low mood. It’s not just the external pressures that affect them but internal ones too. Correcting nutrient status and biochemistry can help a teen conquer low mood without the need for medication.The increased nutrient demands of puberty put a teenager at risk of mood disorders both at the time and in the years that follow.  Lifestyle changes can also affect nutrient status. They might be eating more processed food, or following a vegetarian/vegan diet or maybe they are skipping meals. It is possible that they might be drinking alcohol or smoking which can also compromise nutrient status at a time when reserves may already be low.Here are 3 special nutrients that will help your teen overcome low mood from the inside:1. Zinc. Levels can be really low in those suffering with mood issues. It helps reduce neuro-inflammation which we now believe to be a key component in the development of depression. It is also needed to convert tryptophan to serotonin and serotonin is that key brain chemical that helps us to feel happy. Zinc also helps us to think clearly and have sharper thinking. Here are just a few of the signs of zinc deficiency:Heartburn, reflux or bloating.IBS or digestive issues.Stretch marksClicking jointsAnxietyLack of appetite or limits diet through choiceOften deficient in those with anorexia or a history of itA deficiency of zinc will affect the absorption of other nutrients and so could lead to a deficiency of other nutrients further down the line including iron and B12.2. Omega 3 fatty acids. These are vital for fighting low mood and your teen might not getting enough if they don’t eat oily fish. Some people eat flax or other seeds to try to get omega 3 into the diet, but this is not always effective if you have a zinc or magnesium deficiency (and both of these are incredibly common). If this is the case, then converting the fatty acids we get from seeds to the longer chain fatty acids that we get from fish isn’t efficient. The long chain fats that we get from oily fish are vital for brain signalling. Without it the messages from brain chemical, like serotonin and dopamine, just wont be effective. So instead of feeling happy, relaxed and smart we end up feeling depressed, mentally dull and reliant on stimulants like sugar and caffeine to trigger dopamine release.Omega 3 is also vital for lowering inflammation and the latest research suggests that depression is actually an inflammatory disorder – inflammation of the brain. So using omega 3 as an anti-inflammatory agent is really a no-brainer – it’s simple and it’s effective. Here are some of the common deficiency signs:Easily sunburntPain in jointsUlcerative colitis or Crohn’s diseasePainful periodsLow mood or depressionEczemaCardiovascular diseaseLack of concentration3. Vitamin D. If you live in the northern hemisphere and have just come through the winter months you are most likely super deficient in vitamin D. Unless you were lucky enough to get some winter sun. Vitamin D deficiency is at epidemic levels it is from a combination of lack of sunshine and the use of sun blocks. This is a problem because there is a huge amount of information linking vitamin D deficiency to depression and low mood. This is most likely because, vitamin D is hugely anti-inflammatory. In the UK where sun is sparse in autumn and winter months deficiency peaks around February – our last exposure to the sun was in August or September and our body stores can’t last for more than a few months.  This is the main reason we struggle to fight off infections in the winter months and why people suffer with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and it can also contribute to the development of serious illnesses and to cognitive decline in general so I recommend testing. Your GP can test your child’s vitamin D levels for you or you can order a blood spot test through us.Signs of deficiency include:Tendency to inflammatory or auto immune disordersCrohn’s disease, colitis and arthritisLupus or psoriasisBone and or joint painHead sweatingLingering colds or fluLow mood or SAD.Low mood and depression are signs that there is something out of balance in your teens body. There is a system or system that is not functioning as well as it should – resulting in low mood or depression.It could be that digestion isn’t optimal leading to nutrient deficiencies through absorption problems. If your teen suffers with IBS or reflux or bloating then this could be the case for your child.  Or maybe a really stressful period has left their adrenal function compromised. If you find your teen is particularly susceptible to stress then this could be the case. It is possible that your teen might have an imbalance like pyroluria or MTHFR deviation these can create metabolic imbalances that create a higher need for certain nutrients which can develop into depression.

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What's stopping you from losing weight?

What's stopping you from losing weight? Surprisingly, it may not behavioural or psychological. Here are 7 biochemical factors that can prevent or stall weight loss.1. Stress: Both internal stress on the body from infections and illness and external stresses from work, relationships and life events can prevent weight loss. Making your body more resilient to stress and minimising the effects of adrenalin and/or excessive cortisol release is key to moving forward.2. Hormonal issues: This can include oestrogen dominance which leads to fat accumulating around the thighs, buttocks and mid-section, peri-menopause which can lead to changes in fat deposition or diagnosed hormonal disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which includes insulin dysregulation which makes weight gain easy and loss difficult. Understanding how and why these have developed is important. During peri-menopause and menopause, finding some balance and supporting adrenal health can help with managing weight gain during this time.3. Sluggish liver function: The liver helps with detoxification and glucose management. When liver function isn’t optimal this can lead to weight gain and minimal fat burning. The best way to support this will depend on the underlying factors affecting it. Live function can be compromised by some medications, food intolerances, poor gallbladder function, constipation and chemical exposure to name just a few.4. Imbalanced neurotransmitters: When our serotonin is out of balance this can lead to cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods to fill the gap or boost our mood. Or low dopamine can lead to relying on foods that trigger this, leading to developing habits around alcohol or sugar.5. Inflammation: This has multiple causes but the impact on weight is the same. Inflammation encourages weight gain and having excess weight is inflammatory in itself. This is a difficult situation and is a prime reason why weight loss is tricky when you are carrying significant excess weight.6. Thyroid function: Sub-clinical thyroid issues can also make weight loss difficult. This can be because of autoimmunity or a problem with making, converting and utilising thyroid hormones. Not all of this will be picked up by a simple ‘thyroid’ test with your GP as the initial test for thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH) is not particularly sensitive.7. Gut dysbiosis: Gut bacteria that have been negatively affected by poor diet or antibiotics can affect weight. Sometimes we are unlucky enough to inherit dysbiosis from our mothers at birth. Whichever way it occurs gut dysbiosis has been linked with the tendency to be overweight. Specific gut bacteria can help us manage glucose sensitivity, appetite, cravings and support metabolism. Understanding what is keeping you stuck and knowing the best way forward is key to healthy, sustainable weight loss. Our very own bespoke body reset helps point you in the right direction. 

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Are you already self-employed and looking to connect with more patients?

My Health Assistant can be used as an additional marketing tool for business generation right through to a full virtual office ensuring your time is focused on patients and not admin.

Find out more