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Find a respite care service near you for short-term relief for yourself or another carer. Caring for someone with a serious medical or mental health condition is a big responsibility, and it’s important that carers are able to take a break when needed. Respite care is there to ensure a high standard of support is maintained even when the primary carer needs some time away. 

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What you need to know about respite care


Respite care is a service that’s designed to provide temporary relief to a primary caregiver, whether that’s a qualified professional or a family member. It can typically be arranged for as little as a few hours a week up to several weeks at a time, giving the primary carer the chance to avoid exhaustion, stress, and burnout on terms that suit them.

Providing care to a sick, elderly, or disabled person can be a challenge, and depending on their needs it can cause carers difficulties with their work life balance, isolation, and energy. This can have a knock-on effect on their ability to deliver a high standard of care, in turn affecting the livelihood of the person they’re caring for.

This is where respite care comes in, giving primary carers the chance to take some time away from the stresses of their role and recharge their batteries. After they’ve had a break, whether it’s for a couple of hours during the day or an extended period of time for a holiday, the primary carer can then return reinvigorated to continue to deliver high-quality care. 

Respite care can be provided in a range of settings, including at home, in adult day-care centres, nursing homes, and other specialised facilities. It’s also typically available both during the day and at night, and can take the form of visiting or live-in care. And, just like with any other type of carer, respite care services are flexible to unique needs, meaning you’ll be able to find someone who can handle all of the care responsibilities required, ranging from bathing assistance to housekeeping.

The process of arranging respite care usually begins with a consultation with the carer you’ve chosen, where you can talk through the responsibilities they’d be taking over and provide an insight into the nuances of the role. From there you can arrange a schedule of respite care that suits your needs.

If you’re a primary caregiver or are looking for respite care to give another professional carer time to recharge, search for a service in your area with My Health Assistant today.