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Is fertility a concern for you? Getting a male fertility test is a great first step to understanding your potential issues. My Health Assistant connects you with expert specialists for male fertility screening that help you take charge of your reproductive health.

What Is a Male Fertility Test?

A male fertility test is something developed to measure sperm health and other reproductive factors that define one's fertility. These generally include sperm count, motility - the movement of the sperm, morphology - or the shape of the sperm, and in a broader sense, semen quality. Other aspects that can be screened during a male fertility test are hormonal levels and physical examination for abnormalities that might impact fertility. This can go from sperm count to finding conditions that can affect fertility and give insight into the root causes that may lower your ability to conceive with a partner.


Benefits of a Male Fertility Check

  1. Early detection of fertility issues: Pinpoints any potential problem with conception well before trying to start a family. 
  2. Customised treatment options: Outcomes inform personalised interventions that may involve lifestyle changes or other medical treatments. 
  3. Improved chances for conception: Knowledge of fertility issues prompts couples into action that may enhance their chances of conception. 
  4. Peace of mind: Helps in calming apprehensions and providing clarity about reproductive health. 


What To Expect From Male Fertility Testing

A typical male fertility check consists of a consultation followed by semen analysis, where a sample of sperm is collected and analysed in terms of count, motility, and morphology. The entire procedure is quick and non-invasive, with the results becoming ready in a couple of days. Other tests may be conducted on hormone level checks or physical examinations, depending on the circumstances.

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Who Might Benefit from Male Fertility Screening?

A male fertility screening is useful for men who:

  • Are trying to conceive with their partner but haven’t had success after six months to a year.
  • Have a history of urological issues, infections, or injuries.
  • Are over 35 and concerned about their fertility.
  • Want to check their fertility for peace of mind before starting a family.


Finding Time for a Male Fertility Check

We know life gets busy, but a male fertility check is one of those things that you should let slide, particularly if one is planning to start a family. Whether juggling a hectic work schedule or juggling family commitments, My Health Assistant can help you book an appointment that fits around your busy schedule - be it lunchtime, after work, or even at weekends - to fit in fertility testing. 


Take the Next Step Today

Local male fertility testing can be found with My Health Assistant. Start your fertility journey today by booking your assessment with a specialist you can trust.