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Find an English tutor near you and get tailored support learning English at any level, from the basics through to degree-level tuition. If you’re looking for an expert tutor to guide you through the challenges of learning English, whether to supplement school learning or to develop your language skills alone, My Health Assistant can help. Search with us today and find your perfect English tutor.

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What you need to know about English tutoring


English is supposedly one of the more difficult languages in the world to learn, so it’s no surprise that having a tutor to help can be a massive benefit as you try to improve your language abilities. English tutors can support you with a learning programme that’s tailored to your needs, providing assistance at any level. 

Whether you’re starting from scratch with no understanding of English, seeking a qualification such as IELTS or TOEF, have a child in primary or secondary school who needs some extra assistance at GCSE or A-Level, or simply want to improve your understanding of English as a university student or adult, there’s an English tutor perfectly suited to you. 

Mostly native English speakers with experience teaching in a professional capacity or qualifications specifically geared towards language teaching, English tutors can adapt their support to your specific needs. Grammar, spelling, sentence structure, speaking, and listening are all potential areas of focus, with the aim being to improve your English where you need it most. 

Lessons can generally be delivered in-person, with the tutor coming to you or you visiting them, or online, with pros and cons to both approaches. Your tutor will usually spend your first lesson assessing your current English ability to help decide how your learning programme will be constructed. From then on, you can arrange how frequently you’d like to have lessons and start your journey towards fluency.

English tutors can come from diverse backgrounds, with varying education levels and qualifications and distinct teaching styles, so choosing the right one comes down to what it is you’re specifically looking for. Make sure to pay special attention to qualifications, experience, and reviews when you’re searching for your tutor to make sure they’re exactly what you need.

Start your search for an English tutor today with My Health Assistant and find one that can help you achieve your goals.