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Gaining a better understanding of one's thoughts and behaviours can be truly lifechanging; Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) can help you achieve this. At My Health Assistant, we connect you with experienced professionals who specialise in CAT, helping you on your journey to better mental health.


What is Cognitive Analytic Therapy?

Cognitive Analytic Therapy is a type of psychological therapy that blends ideas and methods from cognitive and analytic psychotherapy. It seeks to understand how past experiences affect the present process of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It has been proven to be effective in treating complex and long-standing cases of emotional difficulties, and even chronic pain.


Why Choose CAT?

CAT is a time-limited therapy, which typically lasts for 16 to 24 sessions. It is a structured and goal-oriented process which helps you identify problematic patterns in your thinking and behaviour, understand their origins, and develop healthier ways of coping. You will work closely with your therapist to develop tools to make meaningful changes in your life and mental well-being.


What to Expect During CAT Sessions

It will be your therapist's job to guide you through a detailed exploration of your life history and current issues. Together, you'll map out your patterns of thinking and behaviours to help you in identifying the triggers that perpetuate these cycles. Through this process, you'll gain insight into how the past is still influencing your present life, and learn strategies to change this unhelpful pattern.

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Finding the Right CAT Therapist for You

With My Health Assistant, you can easily find a qualified Cognitive Analytic Therapist in your area. Our one-stop platform allows clients to connect with trusted experts focusing on CAT, thereby making sure that you receive all the advice, guidance, and support you need. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, or relationship issues, our network of therapists can help you find a path to better mental health.


Take the First Step Today

Don't let past experiences dictate your future. Cognitive Analytic Therapy will help you realise and change unhelpful patterns in your life. Search for "cognitive analytic therapy" or "cognitive analytic therapy CAT" on My Health Assistant to find a qualified therapist near you. A healthier, happier you starts now.