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Cardiovascular physiotherapy, otherwise referred to as cardiac rehabilitation, is the process by which patients are brought back to health after going through a heart problem or cardiac surgery. My Health Assistant links you to experts in this area who provide customised cardiac rehab physio for your heart and overall health.


What is Cardiovascular Physiotherapy?

Cardiovascular physiotherapy comprises a set of specially designed exercises and therapies that aim at improving the functions of the heart, developing physical fitness, and reducing the chances of heart complications in the future. It’s a structured program tailored to each individual's needs, focusing on safe and effective recovery.

Who Should Have Cardiovascular Physiotherapy?

If you have experienced a heart attack, undergone heart surgery, or have been diagnosed with a chronic heart condition such as coronary artery disease or heart failure, you may benefit from cardiovascular physiotherapy. Symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, and excessive fatigue during physical activities are also indicators that cardiac rehab physio might be necessary. 


Benefits of Cardiovascular Physiotherapy

Cardiac rehab physio offers several benefits, including:

  • Improvement in heart function: Development of a stronger heart and improvement in overall cardiovascular health
  • Better fitness levels: Fitness levels are improved by increasing the capacity for performing physical activities.
  • Quality of life improved: Reduction in symptoms and improvement in the quality of life. 
  • Reduced risk: Decreases the likelihood of future heart events.

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What to Expect from Cardiac Rehabilitation

During a cardiac rehabilitation program, you can expect the following:

  1. Initial assessment: You will be assessed for your current health condition, previous medical history, and your fitness level.
  2. Individualised programme: You will have an individualised exercise and therapy plan. Such a program is tailored to suit the requirements and goals of each individual.
  3. Supervised exercises: Guided physical activities will be conducted that work on improving cardiovascular fitness and strength.
  4. Education and support: Getting information about how to make heart-healthy lifestyle changes and receiving ongoing support for long-term success.


Finding Time for Cardiovascular Physiotherapy

Managing heart health alongside a busy life can be challenging, but it's crucial for recovery and long-term wellness. Whether you're recovering from surgery or managing a chronic condition, "cardiac rehabilitation near me" services offered through My Health Assistant make it convenient to find local experts who can accommodate your schedule and support your heart health journey.


Next Step: A Healthier Heart

Don't let heart conditions dictate your life. Book a "cardiac rehab physio" session through My Health Assistant today. Our platform puts you in touch with top-rated cardiovascular physiotherapists who will deliver comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation to put you at the best possible heart health. Begin your path to a healthier heart now.