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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a psychotherapeutic approach aimed at helping clients accept, rather than struggle with or feel guilt over, thoughts and feelings. The approach makes use of mindfulness and behavioural techniques to enhance psychological flexibility and thus the potential for a meaningful life.


Why Have ACT Therapy?

ACT therapy is particularly effective for those struggling with anxiety, depression, or chronic pain. It encourages you to live in the present moment and commit to actions that align with your personal values, enhancing your overall quality of life. By accepting what you cannot control and committing to actions that improve your well-being, you can find greater emotional resilience and fulfilment, leading to better wellbeing.


How Does ACT Therapy Work?

ACT involves working with a therapist in a guided exploration to identify your core value sand learn to accept negative thoughts and emotions without acting upon them. Some techniques used to accomplish this include mindfulness exercises, value clarification and commitment to behaviour changes, which may lead to living a more meaningful life.


Balancing Life and Therapy

Whether you're juggling a heavy workload or family time, it's important to find an ACT therapist that can fit in with your schedule, especially because sessions can help to equip you with the tools to better deal with stress, improving your mental health and general life satisfaction.

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Finding ACT Therapy Nearby

Searching for "acceptance and commitment therapy ACT" or "ACT therapy" is quite easy with My Health Assistant. We connect you to local, experienced therapists who specialise in ACT, ensuring you receive personalised and effective care.


Take the Next Step

Don’t wait to improve your mental health - take charge today and book an ACT therapy session through My Health Assistant. With our easy-to-use platform, you'll find trusted therapists and can book appointments at the click of a button. Experience the benefits of ACT and start living a life aligned with your values.