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Mirabela Pravat

Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching

Healing Harmony LTD

Overall Score: 0.0

London (0 miles away)
0 years experience
In person appointments

About me

Hello and Welcome

My name is Bella and I am a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mindset Coach, and NLP Practitioner. Through my life experience and extensive training, I've reached and helped thousands of people overcome their limiting beliefs, fears, inner conflicts, addictions, procrastination, anxiety, depression, and trauma, by aiding them in uninstall disempowering thought patterns and mental processes that were hindering their psychological, physical, emotional, and energetic wellbeing.

If you feel like the life you're living doesn't match your desired reality, or if you're willing to let go of what doesn't serve you anymore and take focused action towards your dreams and goals, or perhaps, you're just curious to discover how limitless and empowering your life can become, please kindly book your 30 minutes Free Discovery Call at the link below:

Let's communicate with your Subconscious Mind and access resources that are already in your toolbox.

''When you believe yourself to be a master of your thoughts, you become so''

- Emile Coue-


Hypnotherapy - Addiction

Due to the fact that addictions offer us a certain level of gratification, we often consider them treats, rewards, or little guilty pleasures, and we convince ourselves that they don't control us or that we can stop at any time if we want to.
And unfortunately, we tend to disregard the consequences those little rewards have on our physical, emotional, and mental health.
Let's discover together if you are actually rewarding yourself or punishing yourself by displaying such behaviors, and let's help you make long-lasting changes.

Prices starting from: £70

Hypnotherapy - Anxiety

During our lifetime, we have all experienced anxiety. Perhaps we have been feeling nervous or restless about a job interview or a presentation or an exam or even a social event. We have found ourselves hyperventilating, trembling, and sweating, with an increased heart rate, incapable of concentrating or focusing on the task at hand.
Like any other condition, anxiety has as well its root cause.
Let's find it and overcome it together.

Prices starting from: £70

Hypnotherapy - General

The variety of conditions that hypnotherapy can treat is incomparable. Regardless of your circumstances, before you have decided that there's no solution for your situation, please kindly get in touch.
There is always a path...a resolution... and a result.

Prices starting from: £70

Hypnotherapy - Grief & Loss

We have all been dealing with loss or grief during our lifetimes. And even though the loss is a natural process of the circle of life, at times we find it difficult to cope with or to move on. If you need help and support in dealing with bereavement, please kindly get in touch. I'm here to listen to you and aid you in making this transition.

Prices starting from: £70

Hypnotherapy - Phobia

George Addair said: ''Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear''. And there is so much truth in this quote that millions and billions of regrets prove it. Many of us fall into this trap..knowingly or unknowingly...and we tend to look for billions of excuses that over the years are replaced by billions of regrets. There are parts of us that are fearful but there are also parts that want us to succeed, thrive, and live the life we deserve.
Allow me to help you overcome your fears, by starting with one simple question:
''What would your life look like if you weren't afraid?''

Prices starting from: £70

Hypnotherapy - Stress

If you need help in learning what are the triggers that bring you into an irrational state or you feel like professional, personal, and social stress is taking over, allow me to help you shift your approach by reconnecting with the peaceful version of yourself

Prices starting from: £70

Hypnotherapy - Weight Loss

The perception we have over our bodies is directly linked to our self-esteem, self-confidence, motivation, actions, and results. We can follow a proper diet, work out or even dress accordingly to our physical features and still consider that we are not good-looking enough, fit enough, attractive, or beautiful enough.
Loving and accepting yourself just the way you are is the first step towards tapping into the best version of yourself.
Allow me to show you how.

Prices starting from: £70

Life Coaching - Mental Health

Your mindset is the only program that will play every day with or without your conscious approval. And even though it might have taken years and multiple experiences to be created, it's not fixed and it's not unchangeable. Like any other program, your mindset operates following a certain might be a belief pattern, a thought pattern, an emotional pattern, an energetic pattern, or even a pattern based on stimuli. And all those patterns are representing the basis of your model of the world. Therefore, your external world will always reflect your inner world.
If you like to change the lenses you're perceiving your outer world, the shift must begin from the inside.
*Allow me to help you live the life you actually deserve and not the life you think you do*


Experience not added


Practitioner Diploma in Hypnotherapy | View qualification
Virtual Coach/ Certificate of Completion | View qualification
GHR Registered Hypnotherapist | View qualification
CNHC Registered Hypnotherapist | View qualification
NLP Practitioner - Associate | View qualification


London, UK


11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 19:00


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