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Dietitian | Sports & Fitness | Women's Health

Nutrition and Co

Overall Score: 0.0

London (0 miles away)
0 years experience
In person appointments

About me

Jenaed is an award winning dietitian and director of Nutrition and Co. She is the sports dietitian for multiple world renowned universities and athlete.s
She provides optimal client care and puts all her clients first.


Dietitian - Coelic Disease

We provide 1-1 online nutrition consultations with individuals who need to follow a gluten free diet

Dietitian - Consultation

1-1 online nutrition consultations with your own dedicated expert dietitian

Dietitian - Crohn's Disease

nitial consultations are 60 minutes in duration, you will meet your dedicated gastro dietitian and discuss your goals, analyse your lifestyle and symptoms. After your initial consultation, you will have a clear plan of what is expected going forward. We we provide you with a personalised meal guide and individualised advice.

If you require blood tests a letter will be written to your GP after your initial consultation for those tests to be done before our follow up.

Dietitian - Diabetes

It is recommended to see a dietitian for advice if you are :

Newly Diagnosed or ongoing problems with Type 2 Diabetes control

Needing Weight Control (with Diabetes)

Promoting a nutritionally adequate diet (with Diabetes)

Needing diabetes and pre conceptual advice

Need help with carbohydrate Counting

Commencing insulin therapy

What to expect
You will complete the pre assessment questionnaire and activate your online account.

Initial consultations are 60 minutes in duration, you will meet your dedicated sports dietitian and discuss your goals, analyse your lifestyle and discuss potential barriers to success. After your initial consultation, you will have a clear plan of what is expected going forward. We we provide you with a personalised meal guide and individualised advice.

If you require blood tests a letter will be written to your GP after your initial consultation for those tests to be done before our follow up.

Dietitian - Eating Disorders

Initial consultations are 60 minutes in duration, you will meet your dedicated eating disorder dietitian and discuss your goals, analyse your lifestyle and symptoms. After your initial consultation, you will have a clear plan of what is expected going forward. Meal plans will be devised if indicated. If you require blood tests a letter will be written to your GP after your initial consultation for those tests to be done before our follow up.

Your dietitian may also help you plan the best foods to buy and prepare for yourself or your family.

Follow up sessions will be booked in advanced. Depending on what your dietitian feels is best suites, you will require check ins weekly or bi-weekly for 3-6-12 months depending on the individuals circumstances.

Dietitian - Elderly

1-1 online nutrition consultation for the elderly to ensure they are meeting their nutritional requirements as well as appropriate supplementation. If there is swallowing difficulties we provide texture modification advice too.

Dietitian - Fertility

Our expert fertility dietitian can ;

optimise the chances of getting pregnant

help regulate ovulatory cycles

improve the health of eggs

improve success rate of assisted reproductive treatments

reducing pregnancy related risk factors for both mum and baby

improving health of new born

reduce risk of developing chronic diseases as a by-product of lifestyle modifications

Dietitian - Food Allergies

At Nutrition and Co, our specialist allergy dietitian can help you understand the foods that are causing your symptoms and assist you in the successful implementation of an exclusion and reintroduction diet. They will advise you on how to avoid the confirmed/suspected allergen, to prevent symptoms while maintaining a healthy, balance your diet and ensure it meets your nutritional requirements.

Dietitian - Food Intolerance

At Nutrition and Co, our specialist allergy dietitian can help you understand the foods that are causing your symptoms and assist you in the successful implementation of an exclusion and reintroduction diet. They will advise you on how to avoid the confirmed/suspected allergen, to prevent symptoms while maintaining a healthy, balance your diet and ensure it meets your nutritional requirements.

Dietitian - Gastroenterology

1-1 online nutrition consultations for people with IBS,IBD and other gastrointestinal problems. Recipes and meal plans are included.

Dietitian - Heart Disease

You will complete the pre assessment questionnaire and activate your online account.

Initial consultations are 60 minutes in duration, you will meet your dedicated dietitian and discuss your goals, analyse your lifestyle and symptoms. After your initial consultation, you will have a clear plan of what is expected going forward. We we provide you with a personalised meal guide and individualised advice.

If you require blood tests a letter will be written to your GP after your initial consultation for those tests to be done before our follow up.

Follow up sessions will be booked in advanced. Depending on what your dietitian feels is best suites, you will have 3+ follow ups sessions.

Dietitian - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

We have a unique evidence based program called our IBS Gut re-set program

This program is for someone that :

Has confirmed IBS

Experiences bloating after meals

Has increased flatulence

Has either diarrhoea or constipation

Is sick and tired of feeling lethargic

Cannot pin point exactly what is causing their symptoms

Needs support and accountability

Needs a clear plan in how to reverse their IBS in 3 months

Is an action taker and can implement the techniques given
You will be booked in for a 60 minute initial consultation with your IBS Dietitian, in which you will discuss your current lifestyle, symptoms , medications , stressors and dietary intake. A individualised plan will be made for yourself. Your IBS Dietitian will decide if you are going to do 1st line IBS advice or commence right away with the elimination phase of FODMAPS. All notes and resources will be shared with you on our GDPR secure platform.

Follow ups will be discussed and booked in advanced with your dietitian. In between sessions, you have access to our app where you can send your dietitian messages to communicate when you need.

Weekly analysis of your food diary will also occur.

Prices starting from: £149

Dietitian - Obesity

We have a 3 month weight loss program for obesity called LifeSculpt.LifeSculpt is one of the worlds most supportive package to get fit , into shape, create new habits, improve your mental health and smash your exercise goals.

This nutrition and fitness coaching program is supportive, motivating, educational and everything you need to kick start your lifestyle change journey. Our program is built on the pillars of health focusing not only on nutrition and exercise but wellness as a whole.

Our focus is to help you create a sustainable behavioural, lifestyle and habit change which results in your desired body shape, confidence, improved relationship with food & increased athletic performance.

Prices starting from: £249

Dietitian - Paediatrics

Initial consultations are 60 minutes and together you and your paediatric dietitian will take into consideration your child's medical history, current feeding patterns, challenges, dietary needs, medications and preferences.

After your consultation you will receive detailed individualised advice and recommendations for your child. All reports and documentation will be shared via your personal secure account.

Contact us if you need support with :

Allergies & Intolerances

Dairy Allergy


Picky eaters

Iron deficiency




ARFID & ARFID assessments

Coeliac disease


Dietitian - Sports Nutrition

We help male and female athletes reach their fullest potential in their sport by optimising recovery, optimising fueling strategies, preventing or reversing energy deficiencies to ensure they thrive as an athlete. We help active individuals FEEL and PERFORM their BEST in accordance with their personalised needs and goals.

Jenaed Brodell is Nutrition and Co's lead sports performance dietitian. She has extensive knowledge in sports and nutrition. She has complete a bachelors in sports science as well as a medical science honours in nutrition and dietetics. She is highly specialised and is one of UK's most renowned Sports Dietitians leading the field with amateur and elite athletes. She has worked with Olympic, Paralympic, commonwealth games and university athletes from all around the UK. She provides practical , evidence based knowledge and tailored plans for all her athletes offering optimal support.

Nutrition for sports teams
We provide educational webinars and seminars for sports teams and clubs. Education is key when it comes to fueling athletes, and we are here to provide your team with the support they need.

To enquire on webinars and seminars please email us :

Dietitian - Vegetarian & Vegan

1-1 online nutrition consultation with meal plans and recipes.

Dietitian - Weight Gain

1-1 online nutrition consultations for individuals that want to gain weight, includes a meal plan.

Dietitian - Weight Loss

Our weight loss program - LifeSculpt
LifeSculpt is one of the worlds most supportive package to get fit , into shape, create new habits, improve your mental health and smash your exercise goals.

This nutrition and fitness coaching program is supportive, motivating, educational and everything you need to kick start your lifestyle change journey. Our program is built on the pillars of health focusing not only on nutrition and exercise but wellness as a whole.

Our focus is to help you create a sustainable behavioural, lifestyle and habit change which results in your desired body shape, confidence, improved relationship with food & increased athletic performance.

How would you answer the following questions?

Are you wanting to lose fat , achieve certain body composition goals and / or build muscle?

Are wanting to optimise their relationship with food

Do you have poor energy levels , sleep and mood?

Do you need accountability, motivation and support to change your lifestyle?

Are wanting to have a clear guide on what to do to achieve their goals?

Do you want to achieve sustainable results (weight loss that stays off)?

Are you NOT looking for a quick fix but are wanting to develop life long habits ?

Are READY to change their lifestyle once and for all ?


Then this program was made SPECIFICALLY for you!

Prices starting from: £249

Sports & Fitness - Consultation

1-1 online nutrition consultations as well as 1-1 fitness programming.

Women's Health - Consultation

1-1 online nutrition consultations with a focus on optimising womens health.

Women's Health - Fertility

1-1 online nutrition consultations to optimise fertility outcomes. All our consultations come with meal plans, recipes and individualised advice.

Women's Health - PCOS

1-1 online nutrition support for those with PCOS through our expert womens health dietitian.


Experience not added


Medical science Honours in Nutrition and Dietetics
BSC Sports Science



09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00


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